We make your brand come to life – you can enjoy the ride.
Tailored events with content that make you stand out.
References: Honored to co-create with our customers.
We plan, create, and deliver events and content to meet and exceed your wishes from the smallest details to the biggest dreams.
Basware Worldwide Kickoff
Turning a wordlwide kickoff into a virtual event.
”It was a pleasure to work with Big Nordic. The team was friendly, very collaborative, and easy to work with. We had a full trust in their team and capabilities to deliver. The project and the live event broadcast were executed professionally. Feedback has been extremely positive. Looking forward to working with Big Nordic again on a similar event. ”
Sanna Eklund, Product Marketing Manager, Basware Corporation
To transform a listed company’s annual in-person kickoff gathering into a virtual event. The goal was to communicate the 2021 strategy and focus areas clearly to the company’s over 1000 employees worldwide and add entertaining and engaging elements to create a one team feeling and experience.
Built a recurring and recognizable TV format with 2 hours daily live broadcast over the 3-day event with interviews, panel discussions, pre-recorded inserts, presentations, music entertainment and interactive elements to engage the audience. Executed from one studio in Helsinki, another in Copenhagen and a range of internal and external speakers dialing in.
The virtual event tops the annual Kick-offs satisfaction ranking. 73% of the respondents said the event exceeded expectations and for 23% the event met the expectations. 97% said the event communicated the strategy clearly. 78% felt a virtual approach for a companywide event worked extremely well and for another 17% that it worked well. The company considers continuing worldwide virtual events also next year regardless of situation.
AI & Business Strategies
From local to global, digitalizing a nordic AI event.
”Must admit your set-up is truly smart and effective. Just as it should be! Was nice to participate and be part of it. The moderators where super nice and as pros helped create a relaxed, yet professional event feeling.”
Ergin Tuganay, Partner & Head of Industry 4.0 at Nortal
”Thanks to your team, the conference looks really well produced. Congratulations.”
Peter Grey, Technical Director at Tour de France
To virtualize a local cross-industry event into an international platform. As expectations for artificial intelligence run sky-high, it was important to deliver business impacts and possibilities from across the globe for best practice. Also, the overall digital experience was crucial to match the expectation of the C-level target group as AI is considered the next technology.
Built a super appealing agenda with the best of the best speakers and global AI leaders from Airbus, Tour de France, Huawei, Formula 1, Accenture, Ericsson and 25 more. Via a warm-up, studio speakers were presented from Melbourne, Los Angeles, London and Toulouse, mixed with local speakers. Moderators were physically in the studio but via an extensive broadcast package, panelists and foreign speakers were naturally mixed into the program. The 5h long live broadcast was executed as a TV & event execution with 10 cameras and 5 stages.
The full day event presented more than 30 speakers without any freeze, hick-ups or gaps despite the long distance dial-ins. Of more than 700 Nordic viewers, 95% ranked the execution the best virtual event in 2020. Cases, interviews, break-out sessions, 1-2-1 meetings and a lot of downloadable materials were all included in the set-up for additional interaction. Virtual lobbies for sponsors and meetings were praised and over 400 pre-qualified meetings were held during the event.
Nordic Leaders Circle
a CFO round table series.
”Boom! That was so amazing. I have been bombarded by praise throughout the event. Thank you, with my forehead hitting the ground bowing to your performance. You rock!”
Anu Hämäläinen, Senior Field Marketing Manager, Basware
On a request by the listed company Basware we tailor made and produced a quarterly panel with 6 CFOs from every Nordic Country, facilitated by 1 expert and 1 professional moderator. Attracting a hard-to-reach cross-industry and cross-country target group. Ventilating 3 important themes and engage the audience to ask questions and chat for a total of 20 minutes per theme and 75 minutes in total.
Created a CNN styled virtual panel with 8 persons in one room. The moderator hosted the day from the studio and all the others dial-in from respective countries. The audience had the possibility to ask questions to be facilitated in the talk beforehand and they could also chat, poll and ask more questions during the show. The CFO panelists represented well-known Nordic listed companies like Volvo, Telia, Sanoma, SRV, Alfa Laval, Netcompany, Nordic Choice and Thon Group.
During the lively discussion, we were able to avoid the static speaking-head syndrome by mixing the speakers in between single, double and multiple frames and supported the broadcast by bringing in taglines and infographics for easier and more dynamic watching. The geo-split of the audience reflected the Nordic angle as supposed and 100% of them watched the live show for the full 75 minutes.
Chief of Finance
Suomen suurin CFO kohtaaminen.
”Great virtual concept. Excellent agenda and exciting over-all day. Fantastic concept in such a short time, absolutely amazing job! Most importantly the discussion continues in a good half of the meetings.”
Anne Irmola, Marketing Director, EY
”Thank you for a professionally arranged virtual experience done with dedication and a big heart! I have done events for 20 years and seen all that’s out there! It was super easy to work with you and leads are pouring in. The thank you stands in the end! Super job!”
Terhi Vänskä, Marketing, Azets
Pandemian alkumetreillä oli erittäin tärkeää luoda kollegiaalinen ja toimialarajat ylittävä yhtiöiden välinen keskustelufoorumi kriisinhallintaan ja talouden näkymiin.
Vuosittaisesta Chief of Finance -tapahtumasta päätettiin kehittää virtuaalinen TV:n ja tapahtuman hybridi jo toukokuussa 2020. Tavoitteena oli alusta asti luoda digitaalinen kokemus – eikä vain seminaaria kameran läpi striimattuna.
Kehitimme yhdessä kansainvälisen teknologiayhtiön kanssa tapahtuma-alustan, jossa yhdistyi puhujien, osallistujien ja kumppaneiden tarpeet saumattomasti ja tehokkaasti. Vuokrasimme kahvilatilan Esplanadilta Helsingin keskustasta, josta muovautui uusi studio kolmella lavalla ja pitkällä catwalkilla. TV-kuvausryhmä striimasi ja tallensi tapahtuman monikamerajärjestelmällä huomioiden niin studiolla esiintyneet kuin etäyhteyden kautta keynote-puhujat aina Dubaista asti.
Tavoitimme ja sitoutimme mukaan yli 1000 talousjohtajaa, jotka edustivat 80% kotimaisista pörssiyhtiöistä. 85% päättäjistä seurasivat 5 tunnin lähetystä ja 30 puhujaa alusta loppuun asti kotisohviltaan.
Tapahtumakonsepti digitalisoitiin vain 6 viikossa täysin virtuaaliseksi kokemukseksi. Asiakaspalautteet ja yhteistyökumppaneiden kiitokset tehokkuudesta, kokemuksesta ja alustan helppokäyttöisyydestä olivat ylitsevuotavia. Tapahtuman menestys oli ponnahduslauta oman studiomme rakentamiselle ja kymmenien tapahtumien virtuaaliselle sarjalle.
Talous & Työelämä
Tukea päätöksentekoon 700 johtajalle.
“Talous & Työelämä onnistui hienosti. Kokemuksemme perusteella hyvin toteutettu virtuaalitapahtuma on mainio kanava yrityspäättäjien tavoittamiseen sekä keskustelun herättämiseen.”
Otto Salminen, Marketing Manager, Accountor
Accountorin nykyisille ja potentiaalisille asiakkaille suunnattu puolen päivän virtuaalitapahtuma järjestettiin, koska moni yritys oli suurten muutosten äärellä haastavasta koronatilanteesta johtuen ja kaipasi uudessa tilanteessa tietoa päätöksenteon tueksi.
Accountorille alusta oli oiva tapa kommunikoida, vaikuttaa ja tavata päättäjiä virtuaalisesti. Tapahtumaan tavoiteltiin 400 yrityspäättäjää ja tilaisuudessa lanseerattiin myös Accountorin Työelämätutkimus 2020.
Tapahtumalle luotiin Accountorin brändin mukainen ilme sekä markkinointikampanjaan sopivat bannerit ja videotrailerit. TV-kasvo Peter Nymanin moderoimassa tilaisuudessa kuultiin huippuasiantuntijoita aina Nordean pääekonomistista pandemian aikana raketin lailla kasvaneeseen startup-yhtiö Gubbeen asti.
Tapahtuman aikana pystyi verkostoitumaan, keskustelemaan, lataamaan lisämateriaaleja, tapaamaan Accountorin edustajia sekä osallistumaan heidän asiantuntijoiden fasilitoimiin mielenkiintoisiin roundtable-keskusteluihin.
Tapahtuma keräsi yli 700 yrityspäättäjää kattavasti ympäri Suomen ja ylitti asetetut tavoitteet kirkkaasti. Osallistujamäärää edesauttoi laadukas ohjelma yhdistettynä useiden viikkojen markkinointikampanjaan, jossa hyödynnettiin kattavaa päättäjätietokantaa ja sitouttavaa kutsuprosessia yhdessä Accountorin tehokkaan some- ja mediakampanjan kanssa.
Palautteessa 97 % osallistujista arvioi tapahtuman vuoden 2020 parhaaksi virtuaalikokemukseksi. Accountor oli erittäin tyytyväinen tuloksiin ja yhteistyö jatkuu jälleen Talous & Työelämä 2021 -tapahtumassa.
Who we work with.
We have the pleasure to work with TOP players in different business fields – join us.

Let’s talk and co-create memorable events.
Our team consists of leaders in creative and visual planning, event and content production, project management, marketing knowhow and business insight. With a wide range of experience and talent, we all have one thing in common – we are passionate about creating amazing events and influential content.
Let our team be yours – we are happy to help.
GET IN TOUCHMarjut Pirilä
Head of Sales
+358 40 585 2868
Nina Pulliainen
Key Account Director, Tailored Events
+358 50 548 2477