Miten AI mullistaa kaupunkien suunnittelua?
Kaupunkisuunnittelu on murroksessa. Edistyneet tekoälyteknologiat mahdollistavat uusien prosessien ja suunnitteluteorioiden luomisen ja tehostavat suunnitteluprosesseja.
Tekoäly & data kaupunkisuunnittelussa -koulutuksessa pureudutaan AI-teknologioihin, jotka uudistavat kaupunkisuunnittelua ja -kaavoitusta. Saat käytännön esimerkkejä siitä, miten teknologia ja tekoäly saadaan apuriksi päivittäiseen suunnittelutyöhön.
Koulutuksessa saat kattavan läpileikkauksen kaupunkisuunnitteluteorioihin sekä erilaisiin kaupunkisuunnitteluun vaikuttaviin säädöksiin. Pääset kokeilemaan edistyksellisten teknologioiden, kuten koneoppimisen ja tekoälyn sovelluksia kaupunkisuunnittelussa.
Lisäksi omaksut, miten tekoälyä hyödyntämällä voit tehostaa prosesseja, parantaa päätöksentekoa sekä edistää kestävää ja vastuullista kaupunkisuunnittelua.
Koulutus jälkeen sinulla on valmiudet soveltaa oppimaasi käytännön työssä.
Kenelle koulutus sopii?
Voit olla esimerkiksi kaupunkisuunnittelija, arkkitehti, tutkija tai muu alan asiantuntija.
HUOM. Koulutus toteutetaan pääosin englannin kielellä
Valitse sopivin ajankohta ja toteutusmuoto.
Saat -10 % ryhmäalennuksen vähintään 3 hengen tiimeille.
Käytätkö koulutuskorttia? Katso krediittien kulutus täältä.
kuinka suunnittelijat voivat integroida tekoälyn osaksi päivittäistä työtään.
miten tekoäly edistää kestävää ja innovatiivista kaupunkisuunnittelua.
käytännön vinkit miten hyödynnät tekoälyn ideoinnissa ja sparraamisessa.
esimerkkejä tapauksista, joissa tekoäly on toiminut tehokkaana tukena suunnittelutyössä.
- 9.00
Urban planning today – Where are we at?
Natalia Rincón,
Tech Visionary and Urban Planning Innovator
- Timeline of biggest theories of urban planning
- Stakeholders in urban planning
- What are the biggest challenges in urban planning today?
- What are the latest trends in urban planning?
- How can we use tech to aid in the urban planning of our cities?
Tech Visionary and Urban Planning Innovator
Natalia Rincón
Natalia, a PhD candidate specializing in participatory urban planning and smart cities, brings a robust computer science background to the table. Her expertise is geared toward fostering social impact in both business and politics. She places a high value on resilience and actively challenges the existing norms and practices.
She is a frequent speaker at conferences on topics such as the future of smart cities, digitalisation of cities, governance, and artificial intelligence. In 2018 European Commission acknowledged Natalia and CHAOS and ranked her in the top 10 EU female tech entrepreneurs who foster the industry, and the 100 women in AI to follow in 2019.
She has founded CHAOS architects, a Helsinki-based AI data company for smart cities and the urban planning industry. She is an architect and computer science engineer and has been a Business Tampere ambassador, a deputy councillor in Tampere and an advisor for foreign talent at the Ministry of Employment and Economy of Finland.
- 10.30
Coffee conversation: Lessons learned
Natalia Rincón,
Tech Visionary and Urban Planning Innovator Valeri Tsatsishvili,
Bridging Data Science and Decision-Making, Chief Product Officer, CHAOS Architects
- Lessons learned from urban planning in other countries
Tech Visionary and Urban Planning Innovator
Natalia Rincón
Natalia, a PhD candidate specializing in participatory urban planning and smart cities, brings a robust computer science background to the table. Her expertise is geared toward fostering social impact in both business and politics. She places a high value on resilience and actively challenges the existing norms and practices.
She is a frequent speaker at conferences on topics such as the future of smart cities, digitalisation of cities, governance, and artificial intelligence. In 2018 European Commission acknowledged Natalia and CHAOS and ranked her in the top 10 EU female tech entrepreneurs who foster the industry, and the 100 women in AI to follow in 2019.
She has founded CHAOS architects, a Helsinki-based AI data company for smart cities and the urban planning industry. She is an architect and computer science engineer and has been a Business Tampere ambassador, a deputy councillor in Tampere and an advisor for foreign talent at the Ministry of Employment and Economy of Finland.
Bridging Data Science and Decision-Making, Chief Product Officer, CHAOS Architects
Valeri Tsatsishvili
Valeri holds a PhD in Mathematical Information Technology and has a solid background in applying machine learning, statistical modeling, and signal processing for finding patterns and gaining insights from diverse datasets, ranging from biomedical, audio, to more recently urban and geo-spatial data. Passionate about transitioning from gut feeling and instinct-based thinking into data-driven decision making, he is committed to leveraging AI to make data-driven insights simple and accessible to a broader audience.
- 11.00
Data Science – PART 1
Valeri Tsatsishvili,
Bridging Data Science and Decision-Making, Chief Product Officer, CHAOS Architects
- Ice breaker: What is AI?
- Difference between data science, algorithms, and AI
Bridging Data Science and Decision-Making, Chief Product Officer, CHAOS Architects
Valeri Tsatsishvili
Valeri holds a PhD in Mathematical Information Technology and has a solid background in applying machine learning, statistical modeling, and signal processing for finding patterns and gaining insights from diverse datasets, ranging from biomedical, audio, to more recently urban and geo-spatial data. Passionate about transitioning from gut feeling and instinct-based thinking into data-driven decision making, he is committed to leveraging AI to make data-driven insights simple and accessible to a broader audience.
- 13.00
Data Science – PART 2
Valeri Tsatsishvili,
Bridging Data Science and Decision-Making, Chief Product Officer, CHAOS Architects
- Applications of Data Science and AI to create value in the business (City development, urban planning, real estate)
Bridging Data Science and Decision-Making, Chief Product Officer, CHAOS Architects
Valeri Tsatsishvili
Valeri holds a PhD in Mathematical Information Technology and has a solid background in applying machine learning, statistical modeling, and signal processing for finding patterns and gaining insights from diverse datasets, ranging from biomedical, audio, to more recently urban and geo-spatial data. Passionate about transitioning from gut feeling and instinct-based thinking into data-driven decision making, he is committed to leveraging AI to make data-driven insights simple and accessible to a broader audience.
- 13.30
What kind of challenges you may face when applying this tech into business?
Valeri Tsatsishvili,
Bridging Data Science and Decision-Making, Chief Product Officer, CHAOS Architects Natalia Rincón,
Tech Visionary and Urban Planning Innovator
- Humans create their own truths
- How reliable is AI?
- How should we understand the results that AI provides?
- Big data, is data accurate? Who has the single source of truth, who has the best data?
Bridging Data Science and Decision-Making, Chief Product Officer, CHAOS Architects
Valeri Tsatsishvili
Valeri holds a PhD in Mathematical Information Technology and has a solid background in applying machine learning, statistical modeling, and signal processing for finding patterns and gaining insights from diverse datasets, ranging from biomedical, audio, to more recently urban and geo-spatial data. Passionate about transitioning from gut feeling and instinct-based thinking into data-driven decision making, he is committed to leveraging AI to make data-driven insights simple and accessible to a broader audience.
Tech Visionary and Urban Planning Innovator
Natalia Rincón
Natalia, a PhD candidate specializing in participatory urban planning and smart cities, brings a robust computer science background to the table. Her expertise is geared toward fostering social impact in both business and politics. She places a high value on resilience and actively challenges the existing norms and practices.
She is a frequent speaker at conferences on topics such as the future of smart cities, digitalisation of cities, governance, and artificial intelligence. In 2018 European Commission acknowledged Natalia and CHAOS and ranked her in the top 10 EU female tech entrepreneurs who foster the industry, and the 100 women in AI to follow in 2019.
She has founded CHAOS architects, a Helsinki-based AI data company for smart cities and the urban planning industry. She is an architect and computer science engineer and has been a Business Tampere ambassador, a deputy councillor in Tampere and an advisor for foreign talent at the Ministry of Employment and Economy of Finland.
- 14.30
Case: Design Agency Amerikka
Tuuli Korjus,
alue- ja kiinteistökehityksen huippuasiantuntija Teemu Nojonen,
intohimoinen kaupunkielämän parantaja ja palvelukonseptien kehittäjä, Co-founder, Suunnittelutoimisto Amerikka
- Miten tekoälyä voidaan hyödyntää kehitys- ja suunnitteluvaihtoehtojen tuottamisen tukena?
- Kenelle ja millaisia mahdollisuuksia tekoälypohjainen työskentely tarjoaa?
- Miten asiakas hyötyy tästä?
alue- ja kiinteistökehityksen huippuasiantuntija
Tuuli Korjus
Tuuli on alue- ja kiinteistökehityksen asiantuntija. Amerikassa Tuuli vastaa erikokoisista alue- ja kiinteistökehityksen strategisista projekteista, joiden asiakkaina on sekä yksityisiä kiinteistönomistajia että julkisen puolen toimijoita.
intohimoinen kaupunkielämän parantaja ja palvelukonseptien kehittäjä, Co-founder, Suunnittelutoimisto Amerikka
Teemu Nojonen
Teemu on toinen suunnittelutoimisto Amerikan perustajista. Teemun sydäntä lähellä ovat erityisesti palvelukonseptien kehittäminen ja kaupunkielämän parantaminen. Teemu innostuu haastavista suunnittelutehtävistä, joissa yhdistetään monialaista kaupallista osaamista arkkitehtuuriin.
- 15.30
Coffee conversation: Moving forward
Natalia Rincón,
Tech Visionary and Urban Planning Innovator Salha Hanna,
Senior Legal Counsel, Fondia Valeri Tsatsishvili,
Bridging Data Science and Decision-Making, Chief Product Officer, CHAOS Architects
How are the AI technology advances and regulations shaping urban planning in the next 50 years?
Tech Visionary and Urban Planning Innovator
Natalia Rincón
Natalia, a PhD candidate specializing in participatory urban planning and smart cities, brings a robust computer science background to the table. Her expertise is geared toward fostering social impact in both business and politics. She places a high value on resilience and actively challenges the existing norms and practices.
She is a frequent speaker at conferences on topics such as the future of smart cities, digitalisation of cities, governance, and artificial intelligence. In 2018 European Commission acknowledged Natalia and CHAOS and ranked her in the top 10 EU female tech entrepreneurs who foster the industry, and the 100 women in AI to follow in 2019.
She has founded CHAOS architects, a Helsinki-based AI data company for smart cities and the urban planning industry. She is an architect and computer science engineer and has been a Business Tampere ambassador, a deputy councillor in Tampere and an advisor for foreign talent at the Ministry of Employment and Economy of Finland.
Senior Legal Counsel, Fondia
Salha Hanna
Salha has 10+ years of experience in advising clients especially in the fields of data protection, ICT & technology agreements, as well as various legal questions related to digital services, digital marketing, product and service development, legal tech and legal process development, etc. She has also several years’experience in dispute resolution.
Before joining Fondia Salha worked in law firms and a Big4 company, as well as in a cybersecurity company, where she participated and managed many data protection projects and provided legal advice in different kinds of digitalization projects internally and for clients. Salha has worked with different kinds of organizations from local start-ups to large multinational companies, as well as public agencies.
Bridging Data Science and Decision-Making, Chief Product Officer, CHAOS Architects
Valeri Tsatsishvili
Valeri holds a PhD in Mathematical Information Technology and has a solid background in applying machine learning, statistical modeling, and signal processing for finding patterns and gaining insights from diverse datasets, ranging from biomedical, audio, to more recently urban and geo-spatial data. Passionate about transitioning from gut feeling and instinct-based thinking into data-driven decision making, he is committed to leveraging AI to make data-driven insights simple and accessible to a broader audience.
Tech Visionary and Urban Planning Innovator
Natalia Rincón
Natalia, a PhD candidate specializing in participatory urban planning and smart cities, brings a robust computer science background to the table. Her expertise is geared toward fostering social impact in both business and politics. She places a high value on resilience and actively challenges the existing norms and practices.
She is a frequent speaker at conferences on topics such as the future of smart cities, digitalisation of cities, governance, and artificial intelligence. In 2018 European Commission acknowledged Natalia and CHAOS and ranked her in the top 10 EU female tech entrepreneurs who foster the industry, and the 100 women in AI to follow in 2019.
She has founded CHAOS architects, a Helsinki-based AI data company for smart cities and the urban planning industry. She is an architect and computer science engineer and has been a Business Tampere ambassador, a deputy councillor in Tampere and an advisor for foreign talent at the Ministry of Employment and Economy of Finland.
intohimoinen kaupunkielämän parantaja ja palvelukonseptien kehittäjä, Co-founder, Suunnittelutoimisto Amerikka
Teemu Nojonen
Teemu on toinen suunnittelutoimisto Amerikan perustajista. Teemun sydäntä lähellä ovat erityisesti palvelukonseptien kehittäminen ja kaupunkielämän parantaminen. Teemu innostuu haastavista suunnittelutehtävistä, joissa yhdistetään monialaista kaupallista osaamista arkkitehtuuriin.
alue- ja kiinteistökehityksen huippuasiantuntija
Tuuli Korjus
Tuuli on alue- ja kiinteistökehityksen asiantuntija. Amerikassa Tuuli vastaa erikokoisista alue- ja kiinteistökehityksen strategisista projekteista, joiden asiakkaina on sekä yksityisiä kiinteistönomistajia että julkisen puolen toimijoita.
Bridging Data Science and Decision-Making, Chief Product Officer, CHAOS Architects
Valeri Tsatsishvili
Valeri holds a PhD in Mathematical Information Technology and has a solid background in applying machine learning, statistical modeling, and signal processing for finding patterns and gaining insights from diverse datasets, ranging from biomedical, audio, to more recently urban and geo-spatial data. Passionate about transitioning from gut feeling and instinct-based thinking into data-driven decision making, he is committed to leveraging AI to make data-driven insights simple and accessible to a broader audience.
Senior Legal Counsel, Fondia
Salha Hanna
Salha has 10+ years of experience in advising clients especially in the fields of data protection, ICT & technology agreements, as well as various legal questions related to digital services, digital marketing, product and service development, legal tech and legal process development, etc. She has also several years’experience in dispute resolution.
Before joining Fondia Salha worked in law firms and a Big4 company, as well as in a cybersecurity company, where she participated and managed many data protection projects and provided legal advice in different kinds of digitalization projects internally and for clients. Salha has worked with different kinds of organizations from local start-ups to large multinational companies, as well as public agencies.
Koulutuksen hinnat.
Mikä on hintaryhmäsi – julkinen vai yksityinen? Meidän määritelmän löydät täältä.
Julkinen sektori: 625 €
Yksityinen sektori: 945 €
Voimassa 26.1.2024 asti.
Julkinen sektori: 725 €
Yksityinen sektori: 1245 €
Voimassa 26.3.2024 asti.
ILMOITTAUDUOlisiko teitä tulossa useampi?
Saat verkkokaupastamme ryhmäalennuksen automaattisesti vähintään 3 hengen ryhmille. Voit myös meilata – me autamme oikeasti mielellämme.
ChatGPT Akatemia – vuoden tärkein investointi.
Teeman jatkuva oppiminen voisi sanoa jopa olevan organisaatioille elinehto – tähän tarpeeseen rakennettiin ChatGPT Akatemia. Olemme koonneet valmiita paketteja eri kokoisille tiimeille, yksiköille & organisaatioille, joiden avulla varmistat organisaatiosi kehityksen.
Tee vuoden kannattavin investointi tämän hetken tärkeimpään osaamiseen, ja takaamme menestyksesi.
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Sama kingi sisältö on aina taattu – toteutetaanpa koulutus etänä verkon välityksellä, paikan päällä tai hybridinä.
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Jäikö jokin mietityttämään koulutuksen toteutukseen liittyen? Klikkaa alta vastaukset usein kysyttyihin kysymyksiin. 👇
Helppo tulla vaikka veneellä ⚓️
Keilaranta 1 Business Park sijaitsee meren rannalla Espoon Keilaniemessä, lähellä Helsingin ydinkeskustaa. Länsimetron pysäkki ja taksiasema ovat kiinteistöä vastapäätä sekä autoille löytyy paljon parkkipaikkoja. Espoolaisille myös purjevene on mahdollinen 😊