PECS Level 1
Rajoitettu määrä paikkoja. Vain 40 mahtuu mukaan!
2.-3.6.2025 | Englanninkielinen lähikoulutus: Espoo
Succeed in teaching communication skills using the PECS method.
An evidence-based functional communication system PECS protocol is based on Applied Behaviour Analysis, typical language development and B.F. Skinner’s Verbal Behaviour.
PECS level 1 training course is a comprehensive two-day training course which is designed to teach participants the theory and protocol behind the Picture Exchange Communication System™ (PECS). You will learn how to implement the six Phases of PECS™, including the attributes through presenter demonstrations, video examples and roleplay opportunities.
You will gain a broad understanding of how to implement PECS™ with individuals with autism, related developmental disabilities, and/or limited communication skills.
What you’ll learn:
- Identify learners who will benefit from PECS
- Describe 9 key components of creating effective learning environments using the Pyramid Approach to Education
- Explain differences between prerequisites for and long-term outcomes for PECS and other modalities such as speech, sign language, picture pointing, or speech generating devices
- Identify strategies to create communication opportunities during routines and functional daily activities
- Implement the 6 phases of the PECS protocol
- Name strategies for successfully saying, “No!”
- Discuss the evidence for PECS and speech development
- Examine the criteria for transitioning from PECS to other communication modalities
Instructor from Pyramid Educational Consultants UK.
Get Your Certificate!
At course completion, participants will receive a certificate of attendance, equipped with the skills to enhance their therapeutic practice.
Who this training course is for?
Open to all who would like to learn about PECS, such as speech therapists, paraprofessionals, behavior analysts, psychologists, social workers and/or other professionals who are providing services for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Whether you have used PECS for some time or are new to the field, this workshop is an essential part of your development.
Saat -10 % ryhmäalennuksen vähintään 3 hengen tiimeille.
Huom! Peruutusehto: Mahdolliset peruutukset viimeistään 4 viikkoa ennen koulutusta. Ilmoittautuminen viimeistään 4 viikkoa ennen toteutusta.
2. – 3. kesä 2025
Lähikoulutus: Espoo
Käytätkö koulutuskorttia? Katso krediittien kulutus täältä.
Good To Know.
All attendees will be provided with
- Second Edition PECS Training Manual
- Handout with activity packet
- Delegate Practise Bag
During the training course, lectures and group discussions are interspersed with skills training to facilitate the implementation of the CO-OP Approach in clinical practice.
Participants will leave the training with the skills necessary to teach spontaneous requesting, picture discrimination, sentence structure, attributes for expanding language, responding to questions, and commenting. The training course concludes with a review of the extensive literature supporting PECS as an evidence-based practice and information related to transitioning from PECS to other communication modalities, such as speech, tablets with AAC apps, or speech generating devices.
PECS is used with individuals who:
• Don’t initiate communication
• Use unintelligible spoken utterances
• Have difficulty combining words into phrases and sentences
• Don’t communicate via speech
PECS is used with individuals of all ages who have, for example:
• Autism
• Angelman’s syndrome
• Developmental verbal dyspraxia
• Down syndrome
• complex communication needs
• developmental delay
• genetic disorders
• head injury
- Workshop Outline Learner
- Objectives Overview of PECS
- Is the student a candidate for PECS?
- What is “AAC”? What about speech?
- Overview of our Students Learning and the Educational Environment
- Introduction to The Pyramid Approach to Education
- PECS and the Pyramid
- Functional Activities
- Powerful Reinforcers
- Functional Communication
- Inappropriate Behaviorsc
- Generalization
- Effective Lessons
- Teaching Strategies
- Error Correction
- Data
Getting Ready for PECS
- The Structured Training Environment
- Practice of implementing the phase
- The Relaxed Training Environment
- Videos of Phase I implementation
- PECS Phase II
- The Structured Training Environment
- The Relaxed Training Environment
- Videos of Phase II implementation
- The Structured Training Environment
- The Relaxed Training Environment
- Videos of Phase IIIa
- Practice the Error Correction Procedure
- Discuss Alternative
- Discrimination Strategies
- The Structured Training Environment
- The Relaxed Training Environment
- Videos of Phase IIIb
- Practice the Error Correction Procedure
- The Structured Training Environment
- The Relaxed Training Environment
- Videos of Phase IV
- Practice the Error Correction Procedure
- The Structured Training Environment
- The Relaxed Training Environment
- Videos of Attributes
- Bright Ideas
- The Structured Training Environment
- The Relaxed Training Environment
- Videos of Attributes
- Peer PECS
- Practice phase V
- The Structured Training Environment
- The Relaxed Training Environment
- Bright Ideas
- Videos of Phase V
- Brief review of Additional Critical Communication Skills
- Saying ‘No’
- Transitioning from PECS to Speech Generating Devices
BSc(Hons) Speech & Language Therapy, Clinical Director
Louise Maggs
Louise Maggs qualified from the University of Wales Institute Cardiff in 2009 as a Speech and Language Therapist. Her background is in the provision of therapy within mainstream and special schools.
When working as the sole Speech and Language Therapist in a specialist residential Autism school, Louise was able to implement PECS and the Pyramid Approach across the 24 hour curriculum. She has worked extensively with parents, teachers and care staff to support the development, and functional use of PECS for students with a range of age and ability.
Louise has also undertaken further training in TEACCH, managing incidents, challenging behavior and developing social communication skills.
Louise joined Pyramid in 2013 and is especially interested in the use of technology to support communication and independence skills. Whilst working for Pyramid Louise has gained a Masters degree.

BSc(Hons) Speech & Language Therapy, Clinical Director
Louise Maggs
Louise Maggs qualified from the University of Wales Institute Cardiff in 2009 as a Speech and Language Therapist. Her background is in the provision of therapy within mainstream and special schools.
When working as the sole Speech and Language Therapist in a specialist residential Autism school, Louise was able to implement PECS and the Pyramid Approach across the 24 hour curriculum. She has worked extensively with parents, teachers and care staff to support the development, and functional use of PECS for students with a range of age and ability.
Louise has also undertaken further training in TEACCH, managing incidents, challenging behavior and developing social communication skills.
Louise joined Pyramid in 2013 and is especially interested in the use of technology to support communication and independence skills. Whilst working for Pyramid Louise has gained a Masters degree.
Koulutuksen hinnat.
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