CO-OP – Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance Approach
Kolmipäiväinen koulutuskokonaisuus: 13.-14.6.2024 & 11.10.2024 | Englanninkielinen lähitoteutus: Espoo
Elevate your approach, empower your clients.
CO-OP is a performance-based treatment approach for children and adults who experience difficulties performing the skills they want to, need to or are expected to perform. Tailored and client-centered, this active approach engages individuals at a meta-cognitive level, guiding them to independently discover cognitive strategies for everyday tasks, enhancing self-efficacy.
Welcome to CO-OP training course — a transformative experience designed for occupational therapists and physiotherapists seeking effective and evidence-based strategies.
Dive into techniques designed to help clients facing challenges in performing or organising activities as a consequence of perceived difficulties with initiative, planning, problem-solving and decision-making.
To practice the CO-OP Approach, attend our three-day course (2+1 day) led by ICAN certified instructors.
What you’ll learn:
- Explain the seven key features of CO-OP
- Conduct occupation-based, client-centered goal setting
- Implement dynamic performance analysis (DPA)
- Identify potential strategies
- Frame intervention sessions using cognitive strategies (GPDC)
- Apply guided discovery
- Incorporate enabling principles into sessions
- Evidence-based application of CO-OP
Get Your Certificate!
At course completion, participants will receive a certificate of attendance, equipped with the skills to enhance their therapeutic practice.
Who is this training course for?
Open to registered occupational therapists and physiotherapists working with individuals facing challenges in initiative, planning, problem-solving, and decision-making.
Course structure
During the training course, lectures and group discussions are interspersed with skills training to facilitate the implementation of the CO-OP Approach in clinical practice.
Four mandatory parts:
- Preparatory reading
- Training days 1–2, full day in classroom
- Practicing the of CO-OP Approach with a patient in clinical practice and submission of task
- Training day 3, full day in classroom
Enabling Occupation in Children: The Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) Approach. CAOT; Canada. Polatajko, H and Mandich A. (2004)
torstai 13.6.
- Introduction to the comprehension CO-OP Approach
- The evidence and theoretical background of the CO-OP Approach
- Dynamic performance analysis
- Cognitive strategy use
- Strategy use – the Global strategy (Goal-Plan-Do-Check)
and Domain Specific Strategies
Introduction of homework
perjantai 14.6.
- Task-oriented interventions
- Guided discovery (videos and practical exercises)
Coffee break at 10.45
- Enabling principles
- Involve significant others
- Format and structure
- Promote generalization and transfer
- Using the plan at home
- Measure change
- What have we learned this far?
- Introduction to day 3
- What to do before day 3?
perjantai 11.10.
- What has worked well and what has been difficult?
ICAN certified instructors
PhD and licensed occupational therapist with over 40 years of experience
Marie Peny-Dahlstrand
Marie Peny-Dahlstrand is a PhD and licensed occupational therapist, active as an associate professor at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. She has over 40 years of experience working as a clinical occupational therapist with children and young people with different childhood-onset disabilities such as spina bifida, cerebral palsy and traumatic brain injuries. She is now engaged in research about of how to increase occupational performance, participation and self-efficacy for those groups.
PhD, Lecturer and Researcher at the Division of Occupational Therapy at Karolinska Institutet
Ann-Marie Öhrvall
Ann-Marie Öhrvall PhD, Reg OT, Lecturer and Researcher at the Division of Occupational Therapy, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Sweden. She has a broad experience within the rehabilitation services in people with different childhood-onset disabilities such as spina bifida and cerebral palsy. Her research is focused on opportunities and obstacles in doing for children, adolescents and adults with disabilities caused by neurological problems, congenital or early acquired. The purpose is to increase the group’s opportunities for participation and self-determination in different parts of life and in society.
PhD, occupational therapist, lecturer and researcher at University of Gothenburg
Lena Bergqvist
Lena Bergqvist is a PhD, registered occupational therapist and specialist in habilitation and disability care. She is a lecturer and researcher at the Institute for Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg. She has extensive experience in clinical work with adolescents and adults with congenital or early acquired neurological impairments. Her research focuses on how people with early-onset disabilities perceive their occupational performance in everyday life and how to create good opportunities for solving performance problems, and the development of self-confidence.
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