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Building the future of hospital with empathic building – Case Kirkenes

Kirkenes hospital in Norway uses Haltian Empathic Building to follow space utilization, office booking and air quality monitoring

How many offices and desks are needed, which spaces are used most often and how to create best possible patient care and employee wellbeing in a hospital? These are the questions modern hospitals struggle with all the time. To tackle these issues, a brand-new Hospital site in Kirkenes Norway, has taken a smart building digital twin into use, to easily book offices, follow the use of space and monitoring the environmental condition of the hospital like air quality. Read how Kirkenes and Haltian Empathic Building are building the future hospital.

Empathic Building digital twin makes a smart hospital

When a new hospital was built to Kirkenes it was clear that a modern hospital would utilize the latest technologies not only in patient care, but also in employee experience and facility management. Therefore, taking Haltian Empathic Building into use was not a hard choice for Glenn Arne Grahn, Areal and Operations Coordinator of Finnmarkssykehuset.

“We wanted to know how the building was used and what the air quality was like in real-time.” They say, “Also, offering the best possible employee experience for our staff is a high priority for us, so the end-user experience played a big factor here.” They continue.

Haltian Empathic Building is a complete and end-to-end smart building solution that combines technology, culture and physical space into one. The solution includes a digital twin of the building, where people can see useful information to make their everyday tasks easier. In addition to Kirkenes, the solution is also in use in several other hospital campuses in Norway.

Quick visibility to office usage and booking

In most hospitals, office space and meeting rooms are always scarce, but they are not constantly used as people do different kinds of tasks throughout the day. Kirkenes hospital wanted to use their spaces as efficient as possible as well has have real-time utilization and environment data over their building.

With Empathic Building, the hospital staff has easy visibility to free rooms and offices, and they can book rooms from the same interface. This way rooms and desks are booked when needed and are free for other to use in other times!

Efficient air quality monitoring

Air quality is extremely important in any building, but perhaps particularly important in a hospital environment. To get both real time data over the air quality of different places, as well to get data air quality

monitoring devices were installed to Kirkenes, using Thingsee AIR internet of thing wireless devices that measure CO2 levels, TVOC and temperature. Now, from the Empathic Building digital twin, the real-time air quality with just one click and access the data gathered by the sensors.





Tule kuulemaan aiheesta lisää! Haltian on mukana Tulevaisuuden Sairaala 2021 -tapahtumassa 22.-23.9. Tutustu puheenvuoron aiheeseen täällä  ja ilmoittaudu mukaan!