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Pierre Soulard

Service Manager of City Transportation, Lyon metropolis, France

Pierre is in charge of the urban mobility service, within the department of roads in Grand Lyon Metropole. He worked previously as an operations manager on infrastructure projects in different communities (Bordeaux, Marseille, Lyon), as well as a territorial road network subdivision manager. He is referent mobility within the Grand Lyon Métropole Smart City approach.

Face to new private operators in the field of urban mobility, Pierre participates to the writing of the Framework Mobility Law, creating new regulation tools for micromobility, open data and digital services. More recently, Pierre leads the team in charge of Autonomous Vehicle deployment, using V2X technology, contributing to national specifications. In general, thanks to its expertise and its transversal vision of urban mobility, the Urban Mobility Service supports all developers in the design of their public space projects. His team is also developing new tools for mobility management : multimodal information (, interoperable ticketing (Pass Trabool) and mobility advice.