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Jonas Astrup Beck

häiriökysynnän asiantuntija & kansainvälinen kouluttaja

Jonas started his career based on a master’s degree in strategy and management, specializing in systemic, lean management within service and administration. As one of the few in Scandinavia, he is a certified Vanguard Method practitioner, and has coached and trained colleagues as well as clients’ leaders and their internal consultants applying it in practice. Jonas has been client lead and responsible for implementing systemic lean management in private and public organizations across England, Scotland, Sweden, and Denmark. The goal has always been to improve organizations as systems through a ”teach them to fish” approach, thus achieving efficiencies continue after the consultant is gone.

The Vanguard Method combines systems thinking (how work works) with intervention theory (how to change it). Two important elements to master as a leader and for successful positive change.