Bjarte Bogsnes

Palkittu Beyond Budgeting -ajattelun pioneeri & suosittu talousvaikuttaja
Bjarte Bogsnes has a long international career, both in Finance and HR. He is a pioneer in the business agility movement Beyond Budgeting and has been heading up the implementation of the concept at Equinor. He led a similar initiative at Borealis in the mid-nineties, one of the companies that inspired the Beyond Budgeting model.
Bjarte is Chairman of the Beyond Budgeting Roundtable (BBRT). He is a popular international business speaker and the winner of a Harvard Business Review/McKinsey Management Innovation award. Bjarte is also author of ”Implementing Beyond Budgeting – Unlocking the Performance Potential”, where he writes about his almost twenty-five years long Beyond Budgeting journey. He has throughout these years inspired and helped numerous companies all over the world getting started.
Bjarte has taken early retirement from Equinor but will continue his Beyond Budgeting work through Bogsnes Advisory.
Chairman, Beyond Budgeting Institute Senior Advisor Performance Framework, Equinor