Axel Kaehne

Professor of Health Service Research, Vice President at EHMA, and NHS England Advisory Panel Member
Axel was born and educated in Berlin (Germany) at Free University and Humboldt University and subsequently studied at Aberdeen University and the University of Wales. He settled in the UK in 1996. He is Professor of Health Service Research at Edge Hill University Medical School and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Integrated Care and the Journal of Health Organization and Management. Axel is Visiting Professor at the Department of Health and Social Management at the University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Vice President of EHMA, the European Health Management Association (Brussels) and Member of the Advisory Panel for NHS England. His research focuses on evaluating health services, exploring the role of leadership and how implementation science can support quality improvement programmes in the health sector.
Recent publications
Kaehne, Axel, Feather, Julie, Kontopantelis, E., & Roberts, Louise (2023). Evaluation of the Liverpool COVID-19 Vaccination Promotion Programme: Final Report for the Champs Public Health Collaborative and Liverpool City Council. Edge Hill University.
Axel Kaehne (2022). Integrated Care. Reflections on Change in Health Services. Bingley: Emerald Publishing.
Axel Kaehne and Henk Nies (eds) 2021. How to deliver integrated care. A Handbook for Managers. Bingley: Emerald Publishing.